Automated Subscription Trade-in

Follow these instructions to remove an original device from the software subscription program and enroll a new platform in software subscription program.

Performing a standard trade-in:

1. Log into Chrome.
2. Select the customer.
3. Start a new order.
4. Sell the new platform.
5. Input trade-in unit.
6. Complete transaction (Scanbay™ ™ not required at this point).
7. Next, return to Chrome and select the customer.
8. Start a new order.
9. For Trade-in, select previous subscription/Debtor ID in Account Type SUB – [followed by the current Debtor Number].

Subscribing the New Device:

10. Launch Scanbay™ from Chrome. Follow prompts until; process is complete, including Print Contract.
11. Complete fields and customer signature.
12. Exit to return to Chrome.
13. If a newer software version is available for the device, a Scanbay™ message appears and offers to program the device.
14. Perform a Scanbay™ Sync.

Unsubscribing the Old Device:

15. Scanbay™ will auto-detect and display the platform type and serial number to trade-in.
16. Follow prompts to cancel the subscription and the trade-in unit and return to Chrome.
17. In Chrome see accessories for the newly enrolled device on a separate RA order. Review, add more items to complete the sale.
18. Perform Scanbay™ Sync to communicate transaction to Scanbay™ .